MilSUG - Milwaukee SUG

Privacy Policy

Member Emails & Information: We never share that with any sponsor.

Relationship with SAS® : We are officially recognized by SAS and renew our application with them each year.

That renewal includes abiding by a friendly Local User Group policy. We support our regional groups and other local groups.

Our relationship with SAS® stipulates that for events facilitated in part by SAS® that we share the list of those who attend and participate with SAS®. This enables us to ensure a seemless messaging for future announcements.

Members are provided with an opt (in/out) of that messaging via and our signin forms (for live events)

Other bits of information

We do not make money from this. We do ask for sponsors to help defray costs that the leadership spends from personal funds.

This is all volunteer work and members and/or leaders do not operate to make a profit.

Volunteers and future leaders are welcome to join the current leadership team by being committed and dedicated to the entire organization.

Formal by-laws and organizational material is being prepared for 2016

Related Groups

The Milwaukee SUG - Is part of a family of local user groups.

As of 06/2015 - The Leadership Team of Milwaukee SUG are also the team that lead:

Windy City SAS® Users Group

Northern Illinois SAS® Group

Schaumburg SAS® Users Group